PerfectBio - The foolproof method for writing a personal bio that sets you up as an expert every single time!

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Struggling to formulate a professional bio that sets you up as an expert in your niche? In "PerfectBio," we're breaking down the exact formula I've used for over ten years to write solid bios for leads in a variety of industries.

In this workbook, I'll walk you through writing:

  • A long bio for your website or podcasting appearance.
  • A short bio for your guest blogging snippet or eBook.
  • An Instagram (or other social media channel) bio

I'll also teach you how to leverage ChatGPT to effectively create a next-level bio that you can customize for any bio need you have.

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Includes the eBook, which you will be able to download immediately!

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14 pages
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PerfectBio - The foolproof method for writing a personal bio that sets you up as an expert every single time!

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